Keyword Research Tactic #1: Look at Your Competitors

by Giles ThomasLast updated on January 12, 2024

Shopify SEO Course ↗️ > Unit 2 > Lesson 2 > Keyword Research Tactic #1: Look at Your Competitors?

One of the quickest way to get inspiration for your keyword research is to simply analyze your biggest competitors. If you can identify the major brands that sell products similar to yours, you can get inspiration from businesses that have already done the heavy lifting in terms of finding keywords that are profitable.


For example, if your online store sells jeans, you can find your biggest competitors by going to Google and searching for jeans.



If you look at the first result in organic search for jeans, Levi’s, you will see that while they are ranking first for the keyword jeans, they are optimizing their page for phrases like men’s jeans and jeans for men in the Title and Meta Description for their page.


From there, you can click through to the Levi’s website and browse the main categories for their jeans. When you click on a category, such as Skinny, you will see how Levi’s optimizes that page for keywords by looking at the top of your browser window or hovering over the tab to see the title of that page.




Now you can see that they optimized the page for skinny jeans, skinny jeans for men, and men’s skinny jeans. If you continue to browse the different category pages, you will see the main keywords the company targets. And if you click through to the products themselves, you will see how they optimize the products as well.





As you analyze your competitors, you can make a list of the keywords they use on their homepage, category pages, and product pages that will suit your online store. From there, you can continue to check out different competitors to see if they use the same or additional keywords. Chances are, if you find several major brands using the same keywords, you’ll know that those are the best keywords for your products.

