Include Keyword Optimized Images

by Giles ThomasLast updated on January 15, 2024

Shopify SEO Course ↗️ > Unit 4 > Lesson 8 > Include Keyword Optimized Images

Images are an important part of an online retailer’s website. They serve multiple purposes. They show visitors to your website what your products look like. The more detail in many cases the better. They also show up next to your website when someone shares a link to your page on social media.


In terms of search engine optimization, images play an important role in allowing you more ways to optimize the page for your keywords. Since search engines can’t read what is in an image, it’s your job to make sure all of the related text for your image is keyword optimized. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this. For starters, you can use your naming conventions to keyword optimize the filenames of images that go on specific pages.


Let’s say that you are adding an image to your women’s skinny jeans collection page. Since you named the page with the following convention.


Skinny Jeans for Women – Shop for Women’s Skinny Jeans Online – AZDenim


You can name your image similarly.




For products, you can get more descriptive or add numbers for unique naming.





Each of these images names will help search engines determine what is in the image itself when crawling the page, helping optimize the page for the keywords skinny jeans for women. Then, when you upload the image to your page, you will have an additional option to add ALT text to your image. This is what the browser (and visitor) would see if they could not load the image.




You can add additional SEO elements by clicking on the Show HTML button.




Here, you will find the HTML code that inserts the image onto your page. You can copy the alt=”Skinny Jeans for Women Collection by AZDenim” and paste it, then change the alt= to title=.




This will display the text on the image when someone hovers over the image on the page.




This optimization work – the filename, alt text, and title text – will not only help you rank the page for your keyword phrase, but it will also help visitors find your images in image search results for the same keywords. This can be helpful for shoppers who use image previews to find the right product.