How to Decide Where to Publish Your Content

by Giles ThomasLast updated on January 15, 2024

Shopify SEO Course ↗️ > Unit 5 > Lesson 3 > How to Decide Where to Publish Your Content

One of the conflicts that arise when you are launching a content marketing strategy is whether to post a great topic idea on your website or to submit it to another blogs or publications in your industry. The fact of the matter is, you need awesome content to submit to other websites and you need awesome content for your own website.

There are a few ways to tackle this conundrum. If you don’t have a lot of content on your own website, start there. This is how you get more pages of content on your website and thus, more visibility in search.

Next, determine whether the content topic is going to have instant social media success or have long-term SEO value. Content with the potential for instant social media success without long-term SEO value is something you should submit to other websites. Website owners and editors want to see instant results in the form of traffic and engagement, and if your content can deliver that, you will be invited to submit more content in the future.

Content with the potential for long-term SEO value, on the other hand, is something you should keep for your own website. Especially if it is evergreen content – the kind of content that will keep attracting visitors from search and satisfy them for many months or years to come. You can always promote this type of content yourself to ensure it gains a lot of traction early on, prior to ranking in search.
Finally, look at the content topic and the potential to promote your own products within the content itself. If the content has great SEO potential and the ability to directly promote your products, it belongs on your website. For example, a piece of content that lists the five most popular pair of jeans for summer (which your store sells) would perform best on your own website whereas a piece of content that lists five ways to revitalize your old jeans would perform best on another website.