
Send GDPR Compliant Emails Without Hurting Conversions or Racking Up Legal Fees

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist today

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist
7 day, 100% money back guarantee if my checklist doesn't rock your world October update discount - 44% off in the month of October 2023
4 Average based on 84

“At Whole we have helped thousands of Shopify store owners with their GDPR marketing requirements based on the advice of Bogdan. Now we have teamed up with him and compiled this checklist as a cheat sheet of quick wins for our team and clients.”

Giles Thomas founder of Whole Ecommerce & Shopify Agency.

Make your email compaigns GDPR Compliant

Make Your EU Emails
Legally Usable

Earn More With Lawful Cart
Abandonment Emails

Avoid Mistakes That Actually
Got Companies Fined

Save money on legal fees and GDPR fines by implementing ‘Quick Win’ compliance changes to your website and email campaigns in minutes.

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist

7 day, 100% money back guarantee if my checklist doesn't rock your world October update discount - 44% off in the month of October 2023

Hi, I’m Bogdan Petrovcic, a lawyer specializing
in online compliance and a Certified Information
Privacy Professional (CIPP/E)

I have more than 6 years of experience in making online stores reasonably compliant with the GDPR and I would love to share with you my favorite compliance Quick Wins from my checklist

Trusted by high revenue e-commerce companies such as

Quick Win #1

Make your newsletter, give-away and discount sign-ups
compliant by copying my disclaimers

If you are spending your hard earned money to drive traffic to your website and your email sign-up forms looks like this

You are going to have a bad time

Why? Because under the GDPR every company (USA companies included) is required to sufficiently inform EU consumers on their data processing activities prior to any email sign-up & usage or face potential fines.


Yes, fines. Here is a short list of recent email fines issued to companies that did not respect the GDPR when obtaining/using EU consumer emails

Company / Case
GDPR Issue
AOK Baden-Württemberg - Germany, Case ID: LfDI Baden-Württemberg - AOK / 30/6/2020
Sending emails without validly obtained consent.
1.24M EUR!
Sending commercial emails despite opt-out requests and opt-out lists.
300.000 EUR!
We Buy Any Car Limited - United Kingdom, Case ID: ICO/WE BUY ANY CAR /13/9/2021
No possibility of unsubscribing from prior-purchase emails at the time of registration.
200.000 GBP!
Deco Proteste Edições Lda., - Portugal, Case ID: CNPD - Deliberação 2019/297
Obtaining direct marketing emails without providing consent.
107.000 EUR!

Use my checklist to achieve compliant email collection
in minutes
by copy-pasting!

My mandatory email footer text into all of your email templates

Compliant newsletter / discount / give-away sign-up disclaimers

Disclaimers for prior customer & cart-abandonment emails

... and significantly reduce your risks for a fraction of
the cost
your local lawyer would charge!

Get all of the tips-and tricks I have learned while
consulting top-tier e-commerce stores

Conveniently arranged into a Notion checklist you can share with your co-workers and team

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist

7 day, 100% money back guarantee if my checklist doesn't rock your world October update discount - 44% off in the month of October 2023

Register a free Notion account with 1 click or use the .pdf version of my checklist

Quick Win #2

Start legally sending prior-customer and cart-abandonment
emails to your EU audience without consent

How? Contrary to popular belief the GDPR allows some leeway for companies to send marketing emails to consumers without their prior consent. This is an incredibly valuable asset, but your on-site implementation and privacy policy need to comply with local laws and requirements.

Optimize your funnels and legally increase
across your EU markets by

Using my ‘non-legaleese’ examples to see if the GDPR even applies to you

Assessing the risks of your current campaigns based on actual EU fines

Using my step-by-step guide to prior customer & cart-abandonment emails

My checklist has been specifically prepared with
non-lawyers’ and a ‘quick-win’ approach in mind

Step 1

Read through the summaries or expand the drop down menu and click on each item to see the examples and learn more.

Step 2

Expand the drop down table in section 6 to see the specific requirements of EU countries and their issued fines, then copy the provided disclaimers based on your own risk/benefit analysis.

Quick Win #3

Check country specific requirements and issued fined before
launching a campaign or implementing changes.

Why? Even though the GDPR is applicable, EU countries still have particular requirements and prohibitions when it comes to advanced marketing tactics like prior-customer and cart-abandonment emails, double-opt-in, etc.

Get a complete overview of EU country-by-country
requirements and issued fines

Stop with all the guesswork around what is actually required

Start making informed decision about your activities in each market

Use the ‘strict’ or ‘less strict’ disclaimers for more risk/conversions,

Decide how safe you want your disclaimers and other
aspects of your funnel to be based on actually issued fines
vs conversion rates

Still Not Convinced?

Here is just some of the feedback my checklist has received from various professionals working in marketing, front-end, design, law and other fields

“Since using the checklist we did a few quick changes to how we inform people of our marketing activities. I love the fact that I can add team members to the Notion page.”

Remzo Hotic, KraftPal

“The checklist is a wonderfully concise and accurate reference point. It makes all the difference in managing our campaigns with increased time efficiency and turns ensuring GDPR compliance into an easy task!”

Polona Komatar, BirdBuddy

“Really useful every time we wanted to test a separate sing-up page and are not sure of any hidden GDPR requirements you might be missing.”

Rory Hughes, ex-FastCast

“Value packed and surprisingly easy to use. The included examples are a great help. We quickly added the checklist to our internal knowledge base.”

Rok Prevolsek, 1home

Getting my Complete GDPR Email Marketing
is a complete no brainer if you...

Have not taken a serious look at your data collection disclaimers, privacy policy and email campaigns since 2018

Are missing out on conversions because you believe that emails can only be sent to EU consumers on the basis of their consent

Are making things needlessly difficult by searching for information on blogs that are meant to sell you the services of a email marketing platform or paying for expensive legal advice

It comes with a
7 day, 100% money-back-no-questions-asked

so clicking the button below and implementing just one change will save you a lot of money and time with no strings attached

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist

7 day, 100% money back guarantee if my checklist doesn't rock your world October update discount - 44% off in the month of October 2023

Get The Complete GDPR Email Marketing
Checklist today ️ or our “Done-For-You” service:

The Complete GDPR
Email Marketing Checklist

Addresses 80% of your email
marketing risks in minutes!
$119.90 $67

The Complete GDPR Email Marketing Checklist includes

  • Examples and plain word descriptions on whether the GDPR applies to your non-EU business
  • A step-by-step guide for assessing all of your email marketing processes
  • More than 50 detailed actionable items complete with “strict” and “less strict” disclaimers
  • Access to the only fully compiled table of “strict” and “less strict” EU countries
  • No more guesswork about what is required
  • Post-purchase updates for best practices, fines or requirements

BONUS 30 min FREE compliance call with Bogdan or Whole Design Studios ecommerce agency experts

You will be redirected to the checkout where you can pay now. After payment, you will get a link to the checklist sent to your email address.

‘Done For You’ Service


Running large scale multi-country email campaigns or lacking time? Let us audit your entire process and do your privacy compliance for you.

  • Assessing your current (or proposed) email marketing processes
  • Reviewing and drafting input-field disclaimers and informational texts
  • Drafting (or reviewing/amending your existing) general information on the processing of personal data
  • Adding the required California Consumer Privacy Act clauses and information to the USA privacy policy (if applicable).
  • Support and help with implementation via email / ZOOM
  • Option of becoming your Data Protection Officer and joining your dedicated “GDPR” slack channel for continued support

Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information

We will reach out to you and conclude our NDA and service contract.


Why would I bother with all of this?

That's a question no lawyer can objectively answer for you. It would be extremely easy for me to play the fear mongering game like so many other GDPR product and service providers out there do. In reality my checklist offers business owners a way to make their own informed decision on just how compliant they want to be in relation to potential lost conversions and fines.

What if I don't understand the checklist or find it hard to use?

I have put a lot of effort in making the checklist incredibly useful while still being usable by non-lawyers. That is why the majority of all items can be clicked and a pop-up will show up in Notion with dedicated explanations and examples. If you still find the checklist to be too complicated, we can hop on a call and I can personally look into your issue. Also, don't forget that I am selling my checklist with a 7 day 100% money-back-no-questions-asked guarantee! Just drop me an email and I will refund you the full amount.

Who can I share the checklist with?

Feel free to share the checklist with your team. If you buy the extended license you can even invite them to your notion page and collaborate with them inside of the checklist. The only limitation I impose is that you do not attempt to remanufacture, distribute or sell the checklist (even if you do decide to make some minor adjustments to it, as it still represents hundreds of hours of my hard work and is copyrighted).

What's with the “sales-pitch” website, aren't you a lawyer?
Also, this sounds way too good to be true, what's the catch?

This is the internet so you can never be too skeptical, but in all actuality there is no “catch”. I'm a seasoned legal professional that has solved this problem for multiple clients in the past and came up with this checklist after seeing what advice their teams needed in order to do it themselves. The GDPR isn't rocket science and anyone who gets pointed in the right direction can solve 80% of the most common issues. As for the website, the long-form format of this landing page converts more visitors. It is just something that had rubbed off on me while helping hundreds of clients in the field of online marketing .